11 Tips & Tricks To Make The Most Out Of A College Career Fair

Have you ever felt lost in the sea of opportunities that is a college career fair? 

Career fairs are a one-stop destination to engage with recruiters and secure potential employment opportunities. However, as numerous people are competing for the recruiters' attention, it is crucial that you are able to make your mark.

Below, I will discuss important tips to help you create a lasting impression in a virtual or in person career fair so you won’t be just another face in the crowd.

Before the Career Fair

1. Conduct Thorough Research

Before you attend the fair, take some time to investigate which employers will be present. Understand the organization, read student reviews, and identify whether the available positions align with your career aspirations. 

Expand your research by exploring the following information about the company:

Company Overview

Gain insight into the company's core mission, values, and overall culture. You can explore their official website and peruse the "About Us" or "Company Overview" section to understand what they’re looking for in an employee.

Products and Services

Get familiar with the range of products and services offered by the company. Understand their industry and market position to assess their competitive edge and unique selling points.

Company News and Press Releases

Stay updated with the latest company news and press releases to gain insights into their recent developments, achievements, and strategic direction.

Key People and Leadership Team

Familiarize yourself with the key individuals within the company. Understanding their roles and responsibilities can provide valuable context about the company's internal dynamics and decision-making processes.

Job Postings and Opportunities

Explore any job postings or available opportunities within the company to gauge their current hiring needs and potential areas for growth.


Gain awareness of the company's competitors as well as their products, services, and market presence. This will provide a comprehensive view of the industry’s competitive landscape and the company's positioning.

Networking Connections

Check for any connections you may have in your network, such as alumni or LinkedIn contacts associated with the company. Leverage these connections for valuable insights or potential introductions that could improve your understanding of the company's operations and culture.

2. Practice your self-introduction

As you approach each booth, it's crucial to have a well-prepared self introduction ready. Recruiters typically take the lead and ask questions, often starting with, "Tell me about yourself." 

It's essential to have your self-introduction ready for such scenarios. Moreover, your introduction should be between 30 seconds to one minute. It should briefly introduce yourself and convey the most critical information recruiters need to know about you.

Your self-introduction should include:

  • Your full name
  • College major or current job title
  • Your career aspirations
  • Why you are an excellent fit for the company

3. Choose your attire

Dress up in business casual attire and opt for comfortable shoes. However you should avoid looking too casual (e.g sweatpants or athletic wear)

(Tip: Some campus career centers provide a professional closet where you can borrow appropriate attire for the career fair.)

Day of the career fair

4.  Arrive Prepared

Bring a notebook or printed information about the employers you intend to meet. Ensure you also have multiple hard copies of your resume.

5. Take Comprehensive Notes

Gather the contact details of the people you converse with, which enables you to follow up after the fair. Make it a point to jot down notes about your discussions, as it will provide you information to use in your follow-up email.

6. Observe and Learn

If you're early in your career or feeling nervous about the career fair set-up, you can also get value by observing others first. 

Listen in on other conversations as you approach employers. Note how other students introduce themselves and observe their body language. Also, identify the most successful candidates and study their conversations.

7. Meet as Many Recruiters as Possible

Since your time at a career fair is limited, you should try to engage with as many recruiters as possible. These events are excellent networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with professionals from various industries. 

Even if certain companies on the list don’t currently offer positions aligned with your interests, it's still beneficial to meet with them. The recruiters you interact with might have connections in your desired field and could refer you to relevant contacts.

You never know when a suitable position might open up within these companies. If you leave a positive impression, recruiters might remember you when a new opportunity arises.

8. Offer Your Resume

Some people wait until the end of their conversation with the recruiter to present their resume. However, delaying this action is unwise, as recruiters can easily be interrupted and move on to the next candidate mid-conversation. 

Instead, offer your resume early on in the conversation. While discussing your qualifications, hand over your resume. Then, highlight the relevant information that supports your suitability for the role.

This approach draws attention to your resume, distinguishing you from other candidates. Also, it ensures that your resume is distributed to as many people as possible.

9. Prepare Insightful Questions

Career fairs aren't solely an opportunity for recruiters to get to know you; they also offer a chance for you to understand different companies better. 

After the recruiters have asked you a few questions, they might inquire if you have any questions for them. This presents an ideal chance for you to learn information about the company that you cannot find through other means. 

Consider asking questions such as:

  • Why do you enjoy working for your company?
  • What does a typical day look like for someone in the position I am interested in?
  • What kind of growth do you foresee for the company over the next five years?
  • How would you describe the company's culture and work environment?
  • What does the initial training program entail for new employees?

10. Ask for Business Cards

Before you depart from a booth, make sure to ask for the recruiter's business card. As you will be interacting with several different recruiters over the course of the event, these business cards will help you keep track of who’s who. Additionally, these cards will provide you with contact details, which can be helpful when you want to follow-up after the career fair.

After Your Career Fair

11. Send a Thank-You Email

If the employer shares their contact information, send a follow-up email within 24 hours (or even sooner). Begin the email by expressing your gratitude for their time and convey how much you enjoyed meeting them. 

Include specific details from your conversation that resonated with you. Lastly, inform them about the next steps you plan to take with the company, such as applying for a job.

What You Should Bring to the College Career Fair?

When gearing up for a career fair, carry only the essentials with you so that you can move from booth to booth with ease. I highly recommend you to bring the following along for your next career fair:

  • Resume Copies: Estimate the number of recruiters you plan to meet and double it to determine the number of resume copies to bring. For instance, if you aim to connect with 10 recruiters, it's a good idea to have around 20 resumes on hand.
  • Pen and Notepad: Having a pen and notepad is beneficial for jotting down crucial notes during your conversations with recruiters.
  • Business Cards: If you have business cards, bringing them along enables you to share your contact details with potential employers effortlessly.
  • A Folder: Opt for a plain folder to organize your extra resumes, keep your writing essentials accessible, and safely store any business cards you receive.

Tips for Virtual Career Fairs

Different career fairs come with distinct requirements and necessitate unique preparations. With virtual career fairs gaining traction due to their time and cost efficiency, preparing for the event differently is crucial as you won't meet recruiters face-to-face.

If you're gearing up for a virtual career fair, bear the following pointers in mind:

  1. Make a PDF version of your resume.
  2. Craft an elevator pitch highlighting your skills, education, and future goals.
  3. Dress appropriately to be video-call ready.
  4. Test your internet and video connections before the event.
  5. Maintain a spreadsheet or chart to keep track of companies and their contact information.
  6. Send a grateful follow-up email to each recruiter to acknowledge their time and consideration.

The Bottom Line

Career fairs can be overwhelming. With countless competitors vying for attention, it's crucial to employ strategies that make you memorable. Don't let the crowd intimidate you; armed with the right approach, you can transform these events into golden opportunities.

Remember, each connection made and each impression left could be a stepping stone to an exciting and prosperous future. So, make every moment count and turn this career fair into your launchpad for success!

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