How To Achieve and Maintain a Good Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance as a new grad hire or intern can be challenging. You will be adjusting to a new environment and in order to avoid burnout, you need to learn how to prioritize yourself and your work commitments. Many make the assumption that if you live and breathe work you will impress your manager but in reality, if you are able to manage your work schedule and personal life early on in your career, that’s what will grab their attention!

Here are some tips for managing your work-life balance:

  1. Set a schedule that works for you! For many roles, your calendar will be your source of truth, so block time in your schedule for certain projects or just heads down time to work. For example, if you’re a morning person, block certain times in the mornings for project work leaving the afternoon for meetings or company events. This will allow you to get into a routine without as many distractions and allow others to see when you’re available for meetings or a coffee chat. 
  2. When given a project make sure you are aware of expectations such as the due date(s). This will allow you to prioritize different tasks based on when you need to turn things in.  
  3. Even during busy work periods, it is important to take regular breaks throughout the day. Use your breaks to go on a walk, sit outside and enjoy a cup of coffee or just catch up with your peers!
  4. Do not take too much on at the same time. If someone offers you a project and you already have a lot on your plate, it’s okay to push back and say something like “I would love to help but right now, I don’t have the bandwidth but I should have more flexibility in the next week or so”. Remember that your main focus should be your primary project(s), sometimes there will be opportunities to get looped into other work but it’s best if you do not have the time, to not take the work on. 
  5. If you are ever feeling overwhelmed, make sure you are communicating that with your manager. This is a new environment for you and they are there to help mentor you through this! 
  6. This one is hard but you need to stick to your work schedule and avoid bringing work home unless it’s necessary. So, do not open your laptop or work phone during your personal time!

Finding a routine and schedule that works for you will take time and sometimes will change but with time, you will find what works best for you!

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