How To Ask Someone to Be Your Reference + Examples That Work

Have you been stuck in a situation where you needed a job reference but didn't know how to ask? 

Employers aren’t just interested in your qualifications and skills in the hiring process. They also want to gain insight into your professional track record.

Therefore, you can’t underestimate the importance of a reference, as it might become the golden ticket to securing your dream job. 

Most of you might wonder how to craft a compelling request that ensures a positive response. Keep reading this blog to learn who can be regarded as a suitable reference and methods for approaching them with a compelling request. 

Choosing the Right Job References: Who Should You Ask?

Your references should be people who have had positive experiences working with you. Here are some tips on who to consider:

1. Professional Colleagues You've Collaborated Closely With

One of the essential criteria for choosing a reference is someone you've worked closely with professionally. Good choices for references in this category include:

  • Managers or Supervisors
  • Coworkers
  • Teachers, Professors, or Instructors
  • Fellow Volunteers
  • Industry Colleagues

2. Friendly Professional Relationship

While your reference doesn't need to be your best friend, their perception of you matters. You want your reference to provide positive feedback, and honesty is key.

Furthermore, you're asking them to invest their time and effort on your behalf, so having a positive working relationship with them can make the process smoother.

3. Availability and Willingness to Provide a Reference

Consider whether the person you have in mind can serve as a reference. Some employers require detailed written references, which can be time-consuming. 

Others may make a phone call to your references. In either case, your chosen reference must allocate time and attention to this process.

4. Recent Interaction and Memory of You

Last but not least, ensure that the individual you ask for a reference remembers you well.

So, it's advisable to approach those familiar with your recent accomplishments and those who can speak confidently about your current abilities.

5 Tips and Tricks for Requesting a Reference

Here are some tips to guide you through this reference-requesting process smoothly:

1. Advance Notification is Key

You must notify them promptly when you've decided on your potential references. The goal is to prevent a scenario where a sudden inquiry blindsides your reference. Furthermore, it’s also necessary to confirm whether your chosen referee is available.

Such surprises could compromise the quality of their reference and potentially jeopardize your opportunity.

2. Give Sufficient Time and Show Appreciation

Remember that requesting a reference is a significant favor. Your reference may need to write a letter, complete a questionnaire, or converse with HR personnel. 

Therefore, providing your referee with sufficient time to consider your request is crucial so that they can craft a better reference letter for your job.  

3. Ask Politely and Assess Their Willingness

If you haven't talked to a potential reference, bridge the past and the present to reconnect. 

Remind them of your past collaborations and your current career trajectory. Sharing your resume can be a helpful tool for this purpose. 

You should always provide a graceful way for them to decline. If they hesitate, gracefully accept their decision and explore other options. Here is an example of how you can ask someone to be your reference:

Hi [Reference Name],
I hope all is well! It’s been a while since we worked together in [shared work experience]. 
Recently I’ve been interviewing for a position in [Company] as a [Position Name] and I’d love to put your name down on my list of references. If you are willing, I would be beyond grateful if you would be able to provide them with some information about our time working together and some of the skills I have that are relevant to the [Position] role.
I’ve attached my resume and the job description below as reference. The hiring team emphasized that they are looking for someone that is [list of key attributes here] to fill this role. As such, I’m hoping you can talk a little bit about the following: 
[Relevant skills, experiences, anecdotes about your time working together, work ethic etc…]
Please let me know if you would be willing to act as a reference for me, and if so - what other details I can help provide. Someone from [Company] should reach out to you within the next [number of days] with further information about the reference letter. 
If you are not able to act as a reference at this time, please don’t feel pressured or obligated to do so! I completely understand. 
Thanks and best regards,
[Your Name]

4. Provide Relevant Information

Once you've shared your list of references with your prospective employer, email each reference. Inform them about the company that will be reaching out and specify the information they’ll seek. 

Offer a concise overview of the role and any specific points you'd like them to emphasize.

5. Follow Up and Express Gratitude

After each reference is provided, following up with a heartfelt thank-you gesture is essential. This can be in the form of a handwritten letter or a thoughtful email. 

If you're eventually hired for the position, take a moment to celebrate and inform your references of your success. Here is an example of expressing your gratitude for your reference:

Dear [Name],
Thank you for agreeing to be one of my professional references recently. I really appreciate the time and effort you took to help me further my career, and I am proud to say that I have recently gotten (and accepted) an offer to work as [Position] in [Company]! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you as well. 
Thank you again for all of your help!
[Your Name]

Sample Requests of How to Ask Someone to Be Your Reference 

1. Reference Email Request Sample

Hi [Reference Name],
I hope all is well! It’s been a while since we worked together in [shared work experience]. 
Recently I’ve been interviewing for a position in [Company] as a [Position Name] and I’d love to put your name down on my list of references. If you are willing, I would be beyond grateful if you would be able to provide them with some information about our time working together and some of the skills I have that are relevant to the [Position] role.
I’ve attached my resume and the job description below as reference. The hiring team emphasized that they are looking for someone that is [list of key attributes here] to fill this role. As such, I’m hoping you can talk a little bit about the following: 
[Relevant skills, experiences, anecdotes about your time working together, work ethic etc…]
Please let me know if you would be willing to act as a reference for me. If you are, please provide your preferred contact information and any other details I can offer. Expect someone from [Company] to contact you within the next [number of days] with additional information regarding the reference letter.
If you are not able to act as a reference at this time, please don’t feel pressured or obligated to do so! I completely understand. 
Thanks and best regards,
[Your Name]

2. Reference Email Request to a Present Employer Sample

Dear [Reference Name],
I've recently been offered a new role as a [Position] at [Company]. Your mentorship and guidance have always been invaluable to me during our time working together at [Current Company]. [Company] has requested a reference from my current employer, and if you are willing and comfortable with it, I would be extremely grateful to have you as a reference.
I’ve attached my resume and job description below. The hiring team emphasized that they are looking for someone that is [list of key attributes here] to fill this role. As such, I’m hoping you can talk a little bit about the following: 
[Relevant skills, experiences, anecdotes about your time working together, work ethic etc…]
Please let me know if you would be willing to act as a reference for me. If you are, please provide your preferred contact information and any other details I can offer. Expect someone from [Company] to contact you within the next [number of days] with additional information regarding the reference letter.
If you are not able to act as a reference at this time, please don’t feel pressured or obligated to do so! I completely understand. 
Thanks and best regards,
[Your Name]

3. Reference Email to a Past Employer Sample

Dear [Reference Name],
I hope all is well! It’s been a long time since we’ve worked together at [Old Company]. I learned so much from your mentorship and career advice. 
Recently I’ve been interviewing for a position in [Company] as a [Position Name] and I’d love to put your name down on my list of references. If you are willing, I would be beyond grateful if you would be able to provide them with some information about our time working together and some of the skills I have that are relevant to the [Position] role.
I’ve attached my resume and the job description below as reference. The hiring team emphasized that they are looking for someone that is [list of key attributes here] to fill this role. As such, I’m hoping you can talk a little bit about the following: 
[Relevant skills, experiences, anecdotes about your time working together, work ethic etc…]
Please let me know if you would be willing to act as a reference for me. If you are, please provide your preferred contact information and any other details I can offer. Expect someone from [Company] to contact you within the next [number of days] with additional information regarding the reference letter.
If you are not able to act as a reference at this time, please don’t feel pressured or obligated to do so! I completely understand. 
Thanks and best regards,
[Your Name]

Final Words

In job hunting, one crucial step employers often require before formalizing a job offer is checking your references. So, if you're already applying for a position, it's time to send out job reference request emails. 

By following these tips, you can enhance the interview process and increase your chances of a positive outcome. Remember, crafting friendly, positive, and appreciative reference request emails can significantly contribute to your success in job interviews and job securing.

So, don't hesitate; start building your bridge to success today. Who knows, the next chapter of your career may be a reference away.

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