How to reach out to individuals for a “coffee chat” as a student

You should respect the time and schedule of individuals when approaching them for a "coffee chat" or informational interview. To get you started, here are some tips:

  1. Prior to contacting someone, research the individual. You will show that you have actually done your research and are sincerely interested in what they’re doing.
  2. Make sure your email is concise: Introduce yourself briefly, explain why you want to reach out, and suggest a time that works for you (below is an outreach template you can use). 
  3. Remember to be flexible: You should be considerate of the busy schedule of the person you’re contacting. It's important to be flexible and offer alternative times and dates if needed.
  4. Remember to be respectful of their time: Keep the meeting short and to the point. After the meeting, be sure to thank them for their time and follow up with a thank-you note (find a thank-you template below).

Taking these steps can help you establish valuable connections and build a strong professional network.

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