The 7 Steps To Asking Your LinkedIn Connection For Help

It is easy to come off as pushy and bothersome when asking LinkedIn connections for help. 

LinkedIn connections can be a valuable asset if you're seeking employment opportunities. The LinkedIn community is full of helpful people who are more than willing to lend a hand—all you need to do is reach out.

However, knowing how to ask for assistance can make or break your endeavors.

Fortunately, you can just follow these steps to help you effectively reach out to your LinkedIn connections and get positive responses. 

7 Tips for Seeking Assistance from LinkedIn Connections

1. Conduct Thorough Research

Before making contact, conduct thorough research on the person you intend to reach out to. Familiarize yourself with their background, current position, and recent accomplishments. 

Incorporating specific details in your message demonstrates the effort you took in understanding them. As you are asking them for help, you should show that you also care about their career and have put the work in to understand what is going on in their life.

2. Follow-up Tactfully

If an immediate response isn't received, allow the person time to reply. If there is no response after a week or two, consider sending a courteous follow-up message. However, refrain from being pushy or displaying impatience. 

In your follow-up communication, consider providing extra information that piques their interest or makes it simpler for them to assist you.

For instance, you can share progress updates or specific reasons why their support would be beneficial.

3.  Simplify the Process of Your Contact

Whenever you seek help from a contact in finding a new job, ensure the process is seamless for that person. Include a PDF copy of your resume in the body of the message, and be sure to leave your contact details as well. This makes it easier for your contacts to forward this information to others and can get you the help you need.

In your body message, add a description highlighting your capabilities, experience, and the job you are looking for based on that. Moreover, the choice of words is crucial. It captures the reader's interest from the outset and demonstrates your wisdom.

Don’t forget to put your needs at the beginning of the email. Add your “Ask” or “Request” in the first 200 characters so that the next person will quickly evaluate what you want. This way, your email has a better chance of being read.

For example:

“Dear [Recipient's Name]
I hope you’re doing well! I’m an aspiring teacher seeking a fulfilling role that allows me to utilize and further develop my expertise. Could you kindly assist me in finding a suitable position that aligns with my skills and aspirations?
With over 5 years of experience as a science teacher in the education sector, I’ve developed a strong passion for teaching. 
My previous roles have allowed me to hone my time and classroom management, leadership, critical thinking, patience, and active listening skills. I am particularly interested in roles that enable me to leverage my expertise in science. 
I would be extremely thankful if you could support me on this job search” 

4. Maintain Specificity

Focus on the core issue. Be clear and concise in your request. No one has the time to sift through a lengthy, thousand-word appeal. 

Politeness and directness go a long way when seeking help from a connection. Have a clear agenda in mind and articulate it effectively. 

5. Provide Plenty of Information

When seeking a recommendation, prioritize making it easy for your connection to recommend you. Always ensure your LinkedIn profile is comprehensive and up-to-date, and give them access to the information they need to give a good recommendation. (Pro Tip: Including links to a personal website, social media pages, or work portfolio can help with this.)

Consider that by seeking a recommendation, you're asking the other person to put a little of their professional credibility on the line. Don’t betray their trust! Do your best to help them help you.

6. Acknowledge Inquiries Promptly

If you receive an offer with the help of a recommendation, contact the recommender immediately to express gratitude. Convey your appreciation sincerely, as it goes a long way.

By doing so, you maintain a positive relationship with the recommender. Also, it ensures the recommender's willingness to assist you in the future.

Even if the outcome isn't favorable, make sure to stay connected to your recommender by keeping them informed.

LinkedIn Post Template to Seek Assistance

Here is a template you can base your LinkedIn request on: 

Hello everyone! I am currently in the market for a new opportunity as a [briefly describe your professional background, e.g., "seasoned project manager with a passion for sustainability"]. 

I'm eager to [explain why you need help, e.g., "connect with professionals in the renewable energy sector to explore potential collaborations" or "explore job openings in the field of green technology"].

Would any of you be able to [clearly state your request, e.g., "introduce me to contacts in the renewable energy industry" or "share information about job openings at innovative green tech startups"]? 

[Feel free to provide additional resources to assist, such as "I've attached a link to my portfolio for your reference."] Thank you in advance for any support or insights you can provide!

Getting The Most Out Of LinkedIn Connections

Leveraging your LinkedIn connections to further your professional goals can be a powerful strategy to get a good job. The tricks I’ve explored today are the keys to unlocking your network's potential.

Remember, it's not just about what you can gain but also what you can give. Approach each interaction with empathy, respect, and a genuine willingness to offer value. 

Implement these tips, and watch your LinkedIn connections become invaluable in your career journey. So, my fellow LinkedIn enthusiasts, are you ready to take the next step?

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